Younger NTR’s another film under the route of Boyapati Srinu was also published lately. The film was Tittled as 'Dammu'In that film stunning attractiveness Sruthi Hassan is coupling with NTR. The film will be created by KS Ramarao. Now the newest information is that creator KS Ramarao has authorized the Dammu subject lately at film storage compartments. So resources say that this could be the subject for Jr NTR’s film under Boyapati route.
Ace manager SS Rajamouli has recognized the yet-to-be published music of Younger NTR's future film Dammu. His feedback on a public media website about some of the music and flow actions of the acting professional have made the visitors to delay for the music on their feet.
The Magadheera film maker recognized the film on Tweets. He published, “Tarak performed 4 music from Dammu. Never observed such high power music from MMK b4. Though it is too beginning to thoughts I am getting a sensation. Boyapati Garu is going to change MASS videos with this one. All the best!!!”
The two firing plans of Dammu have been accomplished. Younger NTR and Shruti Hassan starrer film is created by KS Rama Rao.